Living, Loving, Laughing And Talking To A Busy Man! 👨
Living, Loving, Laughing And Talking To A Busy Man! For anyone who doesn’t know Martin – he is an award-winning author, coach and speaker….and a busy man. Martin brought along to our interview a suit that he had made 4 years ago for a special awards dinner – where he...The Difference That Makes the Difference✅
As a public speaking coach, I often get asked, “Cheryl, what makes the difference between an OK speech, a good speech and a great speech?” The people asking the question are usually doing so because they are pre-judging themselves. They may think that they could...Do You Have Comparisonitis?
The subject of Comparisonitis has been coming up a lot recently with my clients and was an issue raised by the subject of last week’s blog – TEDx Speaker, Caroline Emile. Caroline shared with us that she had a nervous moment when she realised who some of the other...Is It Time To Change?
If there is one thing I have noticed during the pandemic we are still in, it is that there have been 2 clear reactions to it from Business. They have either transformed – or they have contracted. Partly that is to do with the type of business they are in, but not...How To Write Your Own Job Description
There are many people out there who will be only too willing to challenge everything you do. This leaves you to question your own abilities – but why should it. If it is your business you can write your own job description.