How To Get People To Really Listen

How To Get People To Really Listen

We live in a fast-paced world. And it is getting faster all the time.  In 2001 a guy called Ray Kurzweil, an inventor, said that in the next hundred years we wouldn’t see 100 years-worth of progress but more like 20,000 years worth. He’s a pretty smart guy.  He...
The Greatest Show in Yorkshire

The Greatest Show in Yorkshire

The Greatest Show In Yorkshire! AKA the launch of the Live Love Laugh Lives! How do you speak at the moment, when you aren’t allowed in the same building with more than 6 people? Or 15. Or 30. Depending on what and where you are. Well, it’s a good question,...
How To Be Heard In A Sea of Noise

How To Be Heard In A Sea of Noise

The world was already noisy online before the current pandemic.  Now, of course, it is noisier than ever as it is just about the only place people can be. Pre March 2020 much business was still being done face to face.  A lot of people were meeting new prospective...
So, You Want To Be A Speaker?

So, You Want To Be A Speaker?

Maybe you harbour a secret desire to be a speaker and speak to large audiences all over the world.  Perhaps you don’t feel confident speaking in public, but you would LOVE to be able to do it, because you have a message burning inside you that you need to get out. ...
Freeze – You’re On Camera!😟

Freeze – You’re On Camera!😟

Why is it that perfectly normal human beings, who speak to people every day of the week, completely freeze when they have a camera pointed at them? Have you been there? And it doesn’t just apply to ‘regular’ people.  I have seen it happen to accomplished professional...