by Cheryl Chapman | Jul 29, 2022 | Positive Thinking, Public Speaking
Should you be striving for perfection? Here’s why you DON’T need to be perfect.
by Cheryl Chapman | Jun 13, 2022 | Awareness, Change, Positive Thinking, Public Speaking, Story Telling
How has your life changed over the past 7 years?
by Cheryl Chapman | May 20, 2022 | Public Speaking, Purpose, Self Development, Story Telling
Part of stepping into your greatness, and following your purpose, is becoming an inspiration to others. Do you remember being at school and being asked to write an essay about who inspires you? I’m sure I wrote about Nelson Mandela. Or maybe you’ve been asked...
by Cheryl Chapman | Jun 25, 2021 | Blog, Intention, Manifest, Public Speaking, Self Development
How To Get Asked to Speak on Stage I often get asked how to get asked to speak on stage. You may see me flying around the world (in the “old” days) speaking on large stages and imagine the fun, the glamour and the fees involved! What you have to understand is that I...
by Cheryl Chapman | Jun 18, 2021 | Blog, Public Speaking
What Happens When You Just Say “Yes” Recently I was asked to speak in public. Well, what’s the big deal there? I hear you say. Isn’t that what you do? And of course, you are right – it is. BUT. This was a real stage, with real people! And like a lot of people, I...
by Cheryl Chapman | May 28, 2021 | Blog, Public Speaking
Are you a woman in business with an idea to shout about, without having to give your stuff away for free, without trying to be something you are not, and without getting lost in the crowd? I am looking for 12 women who are square pegs who are fed up with being forced...