Well, it’s been a busy first quarter of the year so far, and after the climax (where’s your mind going?) of the successful International Women’s Day event last week in Manchester, the other half and I thought we would head off to the Caribbean for a bit of sun, sand and stress-free living!
Now, we are on a ship – I’m not sure if you have been on a cruise before – but I am loving it! It’s a bit like being “up north” everyone is super friendly! “Morning!” is the standard greeting – which is I really like – cos – well, have you ever tried that in London? People look at you with a look which either says “I’m not sure I have met you before but I’m going to hedge my best and smile briefly at you”, or more commonly they look away in a terrified manner like they are thinking, “Oh My God, it’s a crazy person, please don’t start talking to me”.
So, it’s very refreshing to be somewhere that people want to not only say hello, but to stop and talk about themselves and find out about you.
Naturally, I have been telling everyone I meet about my RTT (Rapid Transformational therapy) and also about my past experiences with drinking and how I have been helping people with all sorts of issues like that (drinking), or losing weight, or shyness, or physical symptoms like Bells Palsy.
And it’s amazing how open people are being about their issues. Maybe it’s the relaxed vibe of being on holiday in the “community” of the ship, or maybe it’s just that they think it doesn’t matter because they will never see me again! Who knows?
I had one man who told me he had a similar problem to me with the drinking to deal with the stress of the job, and another couple who mentioned they thought they were ‘drinking too much’ or drinking to relax, or to help them sleep, or to make them feel better. Some of them told me at the time, and asked if I could help, one came to find me the day after in private.
Then there was the lady who told me she felt like she wore a smile for everyone else, and then there was the guy at dinner who felt unsupported and lacked confidence. And it made me think.
Because – well you know – cruises aren’t cheap. And all these people seemed to have success in areas of their lives relating to career, or money or running their own business. BUT. They weren’t happy. They were ‘wearing a smile’ for other people. Most people in their lives probably had no clue that they felt this way.
And I wondered how many other people do that. I’m guessing it’s a big number.
Many people don’t get the opportunity to feel they are in a safe enough place that they can be open about how they feel. Many people will only open up if someone else does first, or if they are in a place that feels like a supportive community – like at our International Women’s Day joint event last week. Many will not even open up then, but are desperately trying to find someone they can open up to, someone they can trust to have their back and not only BE a confidante but actually BE able to help.
Rapid Transformational Therapy is a truly amazing tool. Go here to see a couple of stories about how it has helped. It is a remarkable therapy. I used to hate that word ‘therapy’. I would imagine someone going to see a therapist for months or years to ‘get over’ a problem. But RTT is exactly what it says on the tin – RAPID. Often in ONE session – or sometimes in just a couple – the problem is identified, the stories around that problem are uncovered and repositioned and the ‘problem’ is solved. The client able to move on with their life without that limiting belief.
So – where is YOUR island in the sun? Where is it that YOU feel safe enough to share a problem or ask for help?
If you know someone who is struggling with a problem, or you have a friend who might be drinking too much, or if you just want a chat … please don’t hesitate to email me at ….