Last week the WHY’s Women were at the Tree retreat in Yorkshire.  We got together for a double celebration of Marion’s birthday and the fact that she is moving to Mexico for 6 months.  Marion has reached the stage in her business where she makes money while she sleeps, and therefore has full control over her life and the choices she can make around how to spend her time, who to spend it with and where to spend it.

Does anyone like the sound of that? 👍

The Find Your Why book has been translated into Spanish so that Marion can spread the word over there, and hold events to share our program and build our community even further.  Amazing!  And we will miss her.  However, we can still be connected from anywhere in the world nowadays.  This brings me to my next point.

Connection 🌐

What everyone loved about our time at The Tree 🌳 (other than the beautiful surroundings, the peaceful haven that has been created, the food, the welcome….I could go on!) was that we could be around each other for a start – that’s fairly new isn’t it, being in physical proximity again after all the restrictions around the last 18 months.

The Why’s Women loved being able to be open with each other, share successes and what is going well, and also share things that are a bit more challenging.  Because in this community – you don’t have to do it all on your own or figure it out alone.

The group also loved the connection to nature – feeling the grass under our feet.  But actually, it was all about the connection with each other and reconnecting with ourselves and with our individual purpose that they really loved. 🌱

This week in the Live Love Laugh Lounge – the home of the WHY’s Women – I asked each person to share their purpose – their WHY statement.  The community is all about People, Purpose and Prosperity. We sent each member who shared their WHY a little gift with their WHY statement in there.  Because If you know your WHY and you have the right People around you, then Prosperity follows.

And to help with that – at the moment we are doing something very special.  We are investing £250 of the annual £450 membership fee, into something that will likely return many times that over the next 12 months.  It’s the same thing that has enabled Maz to go live in Mexico for 6 months. 😎

Now you still get the full membership and all the benefits associated with that:-

  • Daily 8am Lives
  • Online & Live Events
  • Monthly Live Zoom Support
  • Monthly Saturday Scholarship Teaching
  • Wealth Creation Activities WHYsAbunDANCE
  • Accountability buddies to help keep you on track
  • International Women’s Day Speaking Opportunities
  • Tapping into Awesome Experts in The Lounge
  • Weekly WHYs Awake Transmission
  • Weekly Flog it Fridays
  • Annual Awards

And right now – you also get the added benefit of potentially making back your membership and more.  Call it our Prosperity Enhancer!

If you want to find out more about becoming a member of our community – have a look at the details here

And if you want to know more about the Prosperity enhancer that has enabled Maz to go live in Mexico and could make your membership free (at the very least) – then email me at and let’s have a virtual coffee!




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